Your Marketing Strategy Segments And Personas
Market segmentation and the creation of personas help understand the practice audience so you can effectively market your products, services, and experiences to them. Although market segmentation and the creation of personas have the same goal however they are ultimately different. Market segmentation identifies and categorizes the audience based on broad commonalities like geographical, demographically, behavioral, psycho graphical. Personas on the other hand are highly specific representations of particular individuals within the same segment.
Even though they complement each other, it is very important to differentiate between segments and personas when developing the marketing strategy. Market segmentation delineates the strategic thinking of the practice and which marketing messages are conveyed to which segments after having identified market interest for specific products and services. Whereas personas delineate the day-to-day tactical thinking related to understanding the emotional and behavioral triggers behind individual customers in each market segment.
Creating personas in Optometry is not difficult, it should allow practitioners to identify and address those personas through different marketing channels conveying specific messages. Moreover, personas need to be constantly revisited, refined, and replaced with new personas as more information is acquired about them. Valuable information (other than segment information, geographic, demographic,…) that contribute to the creation of a persona include:
Problem-based persona with the solution you have for it (myopic with eyeglasses or myopic with contacts);
When was he diagnosed and when did you offer the remedy (new phobic, new glaucoma patient, first-time eyeglasses wearer, first-time contact wearer,…);
How did he first find out about you and how did you contact each other (online, on-site, ads, emails, messenger, google search, word of mouth, referral,…);
New patient vs referred patient vs recurring patient.