What Is It Like To Be Marketing To Generation Z
An estimate of 17% of contact lens wearers is between ages 18-24. Generation Z consists of everyone born between 1996 and 2010. Suppose you want to market contact lenses to Gen Zers, what would your considerations about this generation be? What value proposition to offer? How would you communicate your value proposition?
Like baby boomers, Gen X, and Millennials, Gen Z individuals have their own world, taste, and view that influence their decision of buying things. They expect to be treated in a very distinct way as it is hard to capture and maintain their attention. Gen Zers bounce quickly between tech devices, therefore marketers must be able to attract their attention, transmit the message to them, make a call of action, and finalize the deal in a quick way. From personal computers to tablets, smartphones, and wearables, Gen Z is the first generation who has never experienced the world before the digital environment existed.
There are a few things that should be kept in mind when marketing to Gen Z besides their characteristic of quickly bouncing between digital devices (personal computer, tablet, smartphone, wearables,…). For Gen Zers, brand loyalty is not important. They value quality more than loyalty. They are extremely influenced by their family members and friends and they post a lot of things on social media, especially Instagram, facebook, and TikTok. Their creativity demonstrated in the bold and creative social media posts that they share shows that they are value-conscious and don’t accept any brand unless it is of real value. They have their own celebrities on YouTube and like Millennials they support brands that are socially and environmentally right. For these reasons marketing to Gen Zers is preferably done by Gen Zers who know their celebrities, how they think, and what influences their decision: they need to be influenced in under 8 seconds!
With the propagation of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC), Gen Zers appeared to value formal education paths less than previous generations. They are digital natives and they developed practicality like no generation before. Communicating your offers to them should be based on practicality and logic that suits their lifestyle. Marketers preferred channels of communication for Gen Z are Instagram ads and YouTube videos and ads. They are attracted by original content, they value short videos and presentations by their YouTube influencers. They look for the best experience therefore marketers prioritize optimizing mobile experiences. With their specificities in connecting with the world, Gen Zers are currently changing the way business is made.