What Makes Strong Performers And How Do You Reward Them
Your practice may be doing very well and the simplest question you can answer is to identify your practice’s strong performers. It might sometimes be hard to recruit strong performers. But you know them when you see them. Moreover, it gets very complicated when someone tries to identify what qualities set strong performers apart from others. This is probably because strong performers have significantly distinct qualities that ordinary employees don’t have.
Strong performers have an excellent internal compass that directs them to their goals and objectives and alerts them when they deviate or make a bad choice that may push them away from the right path. They constantly seek opportunities to grow but are defined by their hard work and willingness to stop and start over at any moment when they realize that they deviated from their work ethics norms. Strong performers have self-awareness and are emotionally intelligent, they know what they can accomplish and may step back and let others do the job when they feel that they are not better positioned to accomplish it. With self-awareness, which is a personal competence, strong performers have social competence that allows them to effectively communicate with others. They can recognize one’s emotions and the emotions of others to behave and adopt best practices that help them reach their goals.
Emotional intelligence is a trait that every eye care provider should possess to a certain degree to be able to provide effective care to patients in the first place. Practitioners can improve their emotional intelligence levels by focusing on recognizing others’ and own emotions, understanding these emotions by classifying and categorizing them, and managing emotions by learning to respond rather than reacting. Strong performers have strong emotional intelligence and when it comes to rewarding them for their exceptional work, financial rewards may not always be the right compensation. Work flexibility can be a great reward, especially for employees to spend valuable time with their families. However, strong performers may look for other personal satisfactions that make them progress towards a specific goal.
Strong performers are motivated by stretching assignments, setting higher goals, and regularly providing feedback. By stretching performers’ assignments, they are being given autonomy to produce more, perform better, and achieve greater tasks.
Setting higher goals and achieving them, develops strong performers into masters of a high skill level of knowledge who understand and execute tasks with great confidence.
Strong performers get noticed by the level of expertise they contribute and progress as a result of the feedback they get and that motivates them to constantly change, improve, and progress.