How are 2021 Resolutions going?
At the end of 2020 when I wrote my 2021 new year’s resolutions I needed something to remind me to stay on track and keep them. It happened that I was reading Holly Branson’s LinkedIn post on her new year’s resolutions. I was not surprised that she decided she will not make a list of resolutions in 2021; instead, she will try and live each day in the moment. She added, “if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that life is really hard to plan and thinking too far ahead can actually cause a lot more worry, so here’s to a very present and mindful 2021!”
At first, I agreed with her. But after a short moment, I watched an interview with Professor Michio Kaku where he said that very few high IQ people are good leaders because they think of the present. However, optimists make superb leaders because they have their eyes on the prize. This is true as he talks about General Eisenhower’s eyes on the prize. Leadership is solving the challenges of the future. Leadership is about creating opportunities rather than providing solutions and remedies. When General Eisenhower was asked about his attitude toward victory, towards fights, toward wars, he answered that pessimists never win wars. Optimists win wars because they see the bright side of the future that has opportunities, and not the pessimists who surrender when they cannot find answers and ready-made solutions.
You’ve got to pay your dues by telling the truth. Seeing the future is the key to success in life and the key to leadership, not a high IQ. Resolutions are about change that consists of reviewing past events in the present time and thinking of a different future. A future full of opportunities for a new world free from old failures and full of room for restoration and winning.
We just started the third month of the year, and it’s a great time to review your 2021 resolutions. Hope by now that most of you have not yet abandoned their resolutions. If you didn’t or if you did, this could be a great reminder to revisit them.
Read my article at page 46-47. “Optometry New Year’s Resolutions are no Different than None Optometry.”
If you would like to share your optometry 2021 resolutions with us please check this link: HTTP://