Plan the Easy Way
Planning and executing strategy should not be difficult. One very important thing in understanding strategy is knowing that strategy is not an event, it is a continuous process. Spending excessive time and effort on deliberate planning is exaggerated and should be avoided. The main goal of strategy should be to come out with a long-term perspective of the future and leave the day-to-day management to executing the strategy and meeting performance goals. You can do this with ease if you can design a process to fit the circumstances in a conveyed situation.
The strategic planning process starts by finding a logical starting point for the job by perceiving the efforts being implemented to resolve the job as well as issues that have already been resolved.
Deciding on the level of effort to put in a process relates to both the situation requirements and the capabilities of the team. Not all situations require the same effort. Sometimes you don’t have enough team capabilities to perform the job and some jobs don’t require involving all your team. There are three levels of efforts in strategic processes that could be abbreviated, moderate, or extensive.
Abbreviated processes determine a competitive and functional strategy for the organization or an action plan for critical issues. They involve the CEO and key executives who usually work on strategic planning.
Moderate processes determine more integration into strategic goals than what abbreviated processes do, and that includes operations, budgeting, and planning.
Extensive processes determine a completely integrated planning cycle with a masterwork plan that outlines schedules, duties, obligations, commitments, and deliverables. This can be often accomplished by the CEO through delegating the work to a steering committee chaired by a champion who is trusted and respected throughout the organization and who reports directly to the CEO.
Being able to select a logical starting point, determine the level of effort required, and design an appropriate process is the core for implementing successful and easy strategic planning in management.