Watch Others Completely Ignoring Selling And Learn The Lesson
Marketing should not be confounded with sales, however, sales should not be underestimated and ignored as digital marketing hit its stride. Moreover, selling is not restricted to talented salespersons, anyone can learn and understand effective retail selling tips that generate leads and close deals. It is true that sales is becoming more and more delicate and salespeople have to build enough experience and knowledge about the product and the market they are selling in, however, every eye care professional should start from somewhere and then build enough experience to become able to close complex deals.
Some of the mistakes that many make or tips that many often ignore include:
Greeting customers and patients: there is no reason why you should not greet your patients using their names. Greeting your patients using their names in the exam rooms shortens distances and conveys the message to the patients that you already know the reason for their visit.
Talk about the product you are prescribing as well as give them the opportunity to try it or compare it to other products. Escort your patients to the optical showroom and provide a few minutes with them advising them and then hand them over to the optician to present them with details.
Product testing should be followed by a feedback session. Listen actively to your patients and hear what they got to say about their experience and if the product you suggested met their expectations.
Don’t stop at selling but continue upselling. Have your staff and patients prepared by transmitting to them early on during the exam the notion of package deals. For example, specifically designated to a patient about yearly contact lens supply rather than just mentioning contact lenses. Present them with multiple pairs early on during the exam. Talk about those packages. For example, you might explain to patients that the prescription includes all information for eyeglasses, contact lenses, and sunglasses.
Cross-selling is another way to tell the patients about the products they can get included with the eye exam test or other products you sell.
Always employ value-based selling instead of just basing your arguments on price. Always emphasize the important value patients can get by making certain buying decisions.
Selling should not stop in the digital world. Popup messages and forms should be passed on to patients when browsing your website for products or scheduling an appointment. Selling by questioning is very important, especially in digital sales. The more information you can convey to your patients and customers through online questioning the more likely the patient comes to your office with an idea of buying multiple products and totally benefiting from his visit.