What Would the World Lose if Your Company Disappeared?
What Would the World Lose if Your Company Disappeared? If you have plentifully thought about your Optometry practice purpose you will easily answer this question. Your organization’s purpose is its raison d’être or reason for existence; A general interest of all stakeholders that the practice owner should determine and be committed to along with other team members to pursue. More companies are prioritizing purpose over strategy. Despite the fact that too many are still focusing on just one group of stakeholders, usually investors, other organizations have expanded the scope of their purpose to acknowledge other key stakeholders as well as track key performance metrics that apply to non-financial stakeholders too. When founders or directors sit to write their organization’s purpose statements they make sure that all the stakeholders are included. What used to be defined as stakeholders meaning investors has been expanded into customers, employees, and shareholders. Moreover, the list of stakeholders in most industries now includes suppliers as key stakeholders.
When you sit to determine your optometry practice purpose, its impact on society, and its goal to develop a statement of corporate purpose try to think that purpose has to be in three senses: Cause-based purposes that tend to receive the most attention, Competence-based purposes that express a clear value proposition to customers and the employees responsible for delivering that value, and Culture-based purposes that are effective at creating internal alignment and collaboration with key partners. You don’t want to misrepresent your practice’s type of purpose therefore you should be knowledgeable of what type of purpose to choose. The type of purpose you choose is directly related to your organization’s strategy and culture.
The north star that the organization’s purpose symbolized was the inspiration directing all company activities. However, it turned out that the company’s purpose won’t do much good on its own without taking into consideration the effectiveness of the strategy and the experience of employees. In other words, without a deep understanding of the culture of the organization, any strategy to align the company’s activities with its purpose will be difficult to execute. Knowing that the triad purpose, strategy, and culture work together helps determine what leaders should do in organizations to shape culture in a way that makes purpose and strategy come to life faster.
The organization’s purpose potential is achieved when it is aligned with a good value proposition that acts internally and externally across all stakeholders. Any consideration of purpose excluding the effect of culture and strategy may produce manipulative or no effect. Therefore, now more than ever organizations are compelled to choose their purpose wisely.